What I am about to say does not concern the ordinary man of our day. On the contrary, I have in mind the man who finds himself involved in today’s world, even at its most problematic and paroxysimal points; yet he does not belong inwardly to such a world, nor will he give in to it. He feels himself, in essence, as belonging to a different race from that of the overwhelming majority of his contemporaries. ~ Julius Evola.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Ian Dallas - That Point of Nihil

Human action in the technic society is an intervention. Man is a hiatus in an automated system. Woman, as has been noted, simply had to be abolished. It must not be forgotten that there is only one woman at the high tables of banking, and she achieved this with the death of her two former banker husbands in the social ethos of religion mysterious circumstances.
It is in perfect keeping with the ideology of political democracy, where everything named actually stands for its opposite, that the woman's movement should be the mechanism for robbing women of their political power. 'Political woman' in the technic system has to be a pseudo-man, a female eunuch, transvestite, hair cropped and pitiless. The genuine power of woman is the truth, one that cannot be submitted to systemic discipline. The marquis de Sade was the true ideologue of the Republic. Astonishingly, or one should say shamelessly, his works are in La Pleiade edition of France's great literature. The 'political woman' who has made the cross-over to men is tolerated, but woman as woman is banished to the acting-out of the sadistic punishment or to its fantasy.

As a result of this necessary removal of woman from the social nexus, and its replacement with the 'citizen' unit, a quite new psychology had to be invented. This was achieved by the splitting into two terms for one human condition - or rather where there had been two terms in nature, on banishing them two terms were created ideologically. Sex was separated from gender. This abolished woman at the same time, to redesign the human landscape, introduced a third sex between the two. Wyndham Lewis specifically traced this invention to the 1930s, and recognised it as different from the natural and historical evaluations of sexual identity. He also saw that the purpose of this third sex was to dislodge woman from her place of power and set her in an open, undefined space of choices that would end, as a result, with the abolition of the family. The family, of course, being the ultimate private bank, this gave the bankers a leveraged buy-out!
With territory, a recognisable land and its inhabitants, abolished, gobbled up in catchment areas for electoral and taxation purposes -
With the family dispersed as the enemy of individualism ("You have to find out who you are!")

With the person de-politicised from action to alter the hegemonic banking power by granting him sexual freedom to 'discover his sexuality' -
With the social ethos of religion destroyed, all religions being equal and thus irreverent, the personal belief system may remain since not impinging on the social nexus -
With currency virtually non-existent, a digital signal between two terminals -
With every citizen a debtor from birth to not even a debt but the deficit of a debt, itself one that through interest can never be cleared -
With all that on a planet, no longer slowly but swiftly being polluted, its air, its land, and its sea, ravaged by corporation mega-projects -
One thing emerges: the technic global system is in itself a psychosis.
In homeopathic terms it is a miasma, a zone in which the zone has become the pathology.
The proof - not all the factors above, but rather that, this being the unarguable case - not one person or group of persons seem capable of action to end the pathology.
When Libertas has degenerated into tyranny and when only those, all too understandably, who are outraged by this send their sons, the next generation, to blow themselves up in the despairing act of annihilating one's own future, and indeed leaving behind the son-murderers to continue in bitterness, when that point of nihil is reached - what is missing?


The beginning of this new cycle means the end of atheist capitalism and the opening to a new nomos on the earth.

- Ian Dallas, 'The Interim is Mine' [pp118-122]

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